ISO 55001 - Asset Management System
The ISO 55001 Standard for Asset Management Systems (AMS) provides a framework to help organisations proactively manage their assets throughout their lifecycle. With a third-party certified asset management system in place, organisations can maintain greater control over their key business assets, mitigate risks and achieve a greater return on investment.
Benefits of ISO 55001 Certification
Businesses of all shapes and sizes benefit from certification to the ISO 55001 standard. You can apply the standard to all types of business assets, whether they be physical, financial, or intellectual. By adopting the ISO 55001 approach to asset management, you can demonstrate long term sustainable growth, attract new clients, and improve your systems.
The benefits of an ISO certified asset management system often include:
The benefits of an ISO certified asset management system often include:
- demonstrated due diligence by meeting customer requirements
- meeting international best practice for asset management
- being able to meet tender requirements quickly
- stand out from the competition and access new markets
- improved reputation and enhanced company profile
- improved financial performance
- improved services and outputs
- long term system integrity and tracking assets over their lifecycle
- informed asset investment decisions
- improved organisational sustainability
- increased asset efficiency and performance
- greater transparency of assets’ location and maintenance
- easily integrated with other management systems.
Why certify your Asset Management System (AMS) with TQCSI?
A TQCSI certification is an independent endorsement from the world’s leading certification body of your commitment to asset management. We provide ISO 55001 certification to businesses all over the world.
With proven certification systems and a global network of offices, we make it simple and affordable for businesses of all sizes to achieve ISO 55001 certification. Our offices are staffed by a team of local experts who not only understand your operating environment but also speak your language.
With proven certification systems and a global network of offices, we make it simple and affordable for businesses of all sizes to achieve ISO 55001 certification. Our offices are staffed by a team of local experts who not only understand your operating environment but also speak your language.
Don’t Wait, Start Your ISO 55001 Certification Now
You don’t need to wait until your AMS is fully implemented. TQCSI can assess your asset management system no matter where you are in your systems development journey. Reach out to us today, or tell us a bit about your business and your asset management objectives.
Preparing for your ISO 55001 Asset Management System
At TQCSI, we aim to make your ISO 55001 certification fast, hassle-free, and straightforward. Our auditors will assess your systems, processes and documentation and provide information about areas to be addressed.
Below is a checklist of typical system requirements and documentation that a certified ISO 55001 system may need.
Below is a checklist of typical system requirements and documentation that a certified ISO 55001 system may need.
Asset Management System Requirements
Typically, an Asset Management Systems (AMS) require organisations to:
- understand external & internal issues, and interested parties, relevant to asset management
- develop an Asset Management Policy declaring a commitment to sustainable asset management
- develop an AMS or Management addressing the clauses of ISO 55001; often integrated with the Manual for other management systems
- develop a Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) documenting policies for asset management direction in the organisation
- develop Asset Management Plans (AMPs) to address the different groups or classes of assets
- establish an Asset Register
- implement systems for planning, scheduling, recording and monitoring maintenance
- develop and monitor asset management objectives and targets
- embrace asset management risks and opportunities throughout the business
- ensure staff are competent and understand their asset management responsibilities
- control any outsourcing of asset management and maintenance
- monitor asset management performance
- control asset management non-conformances and take corrective action for significant or repetitive non-conformances
- conduct internal audits of the asset management system
- ensure senior management strategically review the asset management system.
Documentation Requirements
Typical ISO 55001 documentation includes:
- Asset Management Policy
- AMS or Management Manual
- Procedures
- Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP)
- Asset Management Plans (AMPs)
- Asset Register
- Maintenance System
- Improvement Plan (monitoring asset management objectives and targets)
- Registers to record non-conformances and corrective action.
Implementing an Asset Management System
To achieve your ISO 55001 certification, your AMS should demonstrate the processes, resources, and organisational culture commitment to proactive asset management and continuous improvement
TQCSI Certification Process
- Contact your TQCSI Office and ask for a quote or apply on-line - TQCSI will need to know what your business does, how many employees (full time equivalent) and what types of asset classes are applicable
- To prevent delays, don’t wait until your Asset Management System is fully implemented.
Certification Mark
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